“Grave Robbing for Morons”

For years, sleuths have tried to figure out the secrets behind a bizarre home movie, which features a young man speaking to his friend(s) behind the camera. Many question the veracity of the young man's grave-robbing advice, but no one has been able to learn the truth about the video itself, nor the many claims and promises that are made throughout...

It's weird to think about a time before the internet.

I, like probably many of you, have become so used to having the internet in my life that the world before it almost seems like a weird dream I once woke up from (and never again returned to). The internet plays such a large part in most of our lives that it's pretty much impossible to think about a modern world without it.

I mean, the internet plays a vital role in many of our professions, our health care and political systems, our social interactions and means of communication, our dating rituals, and even our entertainment... everything from the TV or web shows that we stream, the books that we read, the podcasts we listen to, the video games we download, the movies we watch... basically everything we have or do is connected in some way to the wider world around us. Hell, you're listening to me in a media format that wasn't even a thing 20 years ago, and - for me - it's hard to think back to that time in which we didn't have almost everything in the world at our fingertips.

But there was a world before the internet... and, surprisingly, it wasn't that long ago. At least, not really.

I remember, as a teenager in the mid-2000s (before social media became what it is today and the world-at-large was connected at the hip to the world wide web), collecting physical items for my media consumption. Not only books but DVDs and CDs. Before then, my family and I had a large collection of VHS tapes and cassettes, which we would use to watch our favorite movies and listen to our favorite albums over and over again.

My father, in particular, was an avid music fan. Not to sound too topical, but the band he obsessed over was the Canadian rock trio Rush. He loved Rush and even took me to see them a handful of times as a teenager. His love of the band was infectious, but even though I loved Rush, I didn't love them nearly as much as my dad. He collected everything he could get his hands on: not only official band merchandise and every album and live recording, but bootleg video and audio from prior Rush concerts. He shared and obtained this collection with other Rush fans from all over the world; some of whom he knew personally, but others he met on Rush message boards (back in the days of the early internet, when it more closely resembled the wild west than the corporate-friendly platform it's become). He was not alone in this endeavor.

In the early days of the internet (and before), bootlegging was almost like its own little world inside of a world; a subgroup of a subgroup, consisting of people that collected things that weren't readily available or even necessarily sold but given or traded to anyone that had access to them. It was almost like a black market, but one that didn't have any rules or guidelines or structure. While I was only ever a childish bystander to this analog black market, I only ever witnessed the most innocent version of it: music fans exchanging their favorite live performances of their favorite band. This is what I knew, and it wasn't until I got older that I began to realize that there were similar communities all over the world that dealt in pirated media of far different varieties.

One item that made the rounds in the underground DVD trade was a film named "Ensuring Your Place In Hell". The contents of the first video (part one of the "Ensuring Your Place In Hell" cinematic universe) have never been tracked down and uploaded online, but the second volume is known by many; having been ripped onto the internet, and watched by thousands in the years since. This was a compilation video, made up of four different home movies... each stranger than the last.

"Cooking with Huck Botko" featured a young man who made baked goods for family members that he didn't particularly like. As you can imagine, Huck didn't use the best ingredients, incorporating things like roadkill into his creations. This video was later determined to be an art project made by an aspiring filmmaker, who would go on to work in Hollywood on various projects (including writing the screenplay for the film "The Last Exorcism," which came out a few years ago).

Another video from the compilation, named "Exploding Varmints," is exactly what the name implies: exploding varmints. This was later found to have been created by a company based out of Redding, California, who went on to make an unfortunate follow-up.

The third video from this compilation was a video titled "Mortuary of the Dead," which is mysterious in its own right. The video takes place in what looks to be a third-world mortuary and features a couple of young men exploring the grounds... as well as the numerous corpses inside of the mortuary itself. It's hard to tell whether this video is real or fake, but its bizarre nature and degraded video quality give it an enigmatic, creepy feel that resonates all of these years later.

Then we have the fourth and final video, which is the most mystifying of them all. Its ghoulish nature - which endures for nearly 27 minutes - makes you keep watching out of morbid curiosity. It's a video that also makes you wonder who made it... and for what purpose.

This is the story of "Grave Robbing for Morons."

The video titled "Grave Robbing for Morons" picks up almost in mid-thought, with the young man in front of the camera seeming to have been in the middle of a sentence when the video begins. The video quality has been chipped away at with time, having been ripped and recorded from a variety of sources over the years, so it's hard to make out the young man's surroundings.

Despite the shoddy production value, we get a clear look throughout the entire video at the individual at the center of the frame: a young man who appears to be in his mid-teens to early 20's (at the oldest), and seems to be of either Hispanic or Latino origin, who speaks in a New York accent. He is wearing a black leather jacket, reminiscent of the Fonz from "Happy Days," and has on a red shirt underneath as well as blue jeans. His long, dark, unkempt hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and his large ears stand out as a unique identifier.

Throughout the video, this young man will struggle with what seems to be a speech impediment of some kind; a stutter or stammer that often causes him to physically lock-up in mid-sentence.

As the young man talks, he continues to draw the viewer's focus to the item in his hands: what appears to be a very real-looking human skull. The video begins with him describing the process of cleaning a human skull and preparing it for sale at an illicit black market, but does so in a very non-academic fashion. You almost get the sense that this young man - who is probably no older than 17 or 18 years old - is trying to appear cooler or tougher than he appears.

Despite this, though, you get the sense throughout the video that - while this kid might be attempting to impress those around him - he probably hasn't lived an easy life. His speech impediment is every kid's worst nightmare (likely a lightning rod for bullying), and random shots of the kid's knuckles reveal that they are somewhat bruised and/or bloodied (although it's possible that what appears to be dried blood might just be caked-on dirt or mud).

The young man in the video then holds up the human skull he has been showing off for several minutes and arranges it in mid-air with a couple of similarly-dirty leg bones. It's supposed to look like the skull & bones you'd see embroidered on a pirate flag. He then continues to advise the viewer on how to prepare stolen bones for sale, and what to do should you encounter any trouble while grave-robbing.

Cold? In July? I think he likely meant to say January (or another cold wintery month) and simply got tongue-tied, but let's continue on with the video.

So after listening to most of the video, we now have a name we can use to describe the young man seen throughout, Anthony.

He seems to begin giving his full name as "Anthony Cas-" before thinking twice and stopping himself from divulging his last name; a decision that we'll get to and explore further in just a few minutes. We also have names to give some of his associates: "Gino/Geno" is the name given to the young man behind the camera, who we heard from just briefly.

In the video itself, Gino/Geno seems to turn the camera on his face for just a moment, but the quality of the video leaves much to be desired. We can't really make out any of Gino/Geno's features at all. "Anthony" then gives out the name for a few additional associates involved in grave-robbing, whom he seems to identify as "Taco" and "Pucci."

We never hear or see these individuals, so who they are - and their involvement - can only be guessed at.

At this point, it's worth mentioning that due to some of the factors seen in the video itself, we can loosely date the production of it. You see, early on in the video, we can see a VHS copy of the film "Evil Dead 2" sitting on a table nearby, and that movie was not published on VHS until 1987. So this video was recorded at some point after that date in 1987, and everything else in the room seems to match the aesthetic of the late 1980s or early 1990s. However, because the quality of the film has been so degraded by time, it's almost impossible to determine exactly when (or even where) this video came from.

So... was this real? Or was this a group of teenagers playing pretend? Was it a viral video from an era in which nothing went viral? Was this all a big joke?

One of the major theories, in this case, is that the entire video is a hoax: a viral video of some sort, which was made by a group of teenagers after a few drinks, who were just having fun or trying to take the piss out of someone. Some have theorized that it wasn't even made in the late 1980s or early 1990s (as you'd assume from the footage itself) but was made in recent times with some outfits, props, and an old camcorder.

This hoax theory is actually backed up by a few solid points. The person in the video (who we'll use the name "Anthony" to describe from here on out), seems to make up a lot of grave-robbing "facts." The advice he gives on how to silence witnesses (knocking them out so that they think they had a dream) and how to clean/preserve bones is not only downright horrible, but it's almost cartoonish. Some of his other advice - such as advising against getting drunk before robbing a grave and even promoting "getting laid" ahead of time - seems like stuff a teenager would say to his friends if he wants to sound cool.

"Anthony" also claims to have sold skulls and other human remains to "magic shops" in the area, which doesn't sound like something that would happen in real life. However, it is worth noting that until just recently, human skulls were being sold online for hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and that brings us to our next point: the argument against this video being a hoax.

As I just hinted at, individuals were able to sell real human skulls through websites like eBay up until 2016. That's not a joke. eBay had to release a statement, formally putting an end to the practice of selling human remains, and outlawing the sale of all human body parts (except for hair) from that point forward. On other (seedier) websites, it's still possible to purchase human skulls - medical and otherwise - to this day.

While this doesn't discredit "Anthony's" belief that "magic shops" would pay hundreds of dollars for a human skull, it does give credence to the notion that there are people out there that would pay for human remains, as they still do to this day.

Another point against this video being a hoax is the production value of it. As I said before, the aesthetic of it is reminiscent of the late 1980s or early 1990s: everything from the VHS copy of "Evil Dead 2" on a nearby table, the degraded quality of the video itself, the clothing that "Anthony" is wearing, etc. It all matches the look of that time period, which would be hard to recreate years (or even decades) later.

In addition, the human skull itself - which "Anthony" handles for the duration of the video - appears to look incredibly legitimate. If it's not real, then it definitely looks like it... and whoever made it should be working in Hollywood today, as they have skills that are well beyond what many films or TV shows put together with an expensive budget.

It's also worth noting that the skull featured throughout the video has what looks like dental implants that "Anthony" continues to remove and insert back into place numerous times. This is something that a couple of punk teenagers wouldn't think about using in a low-budget video with a prop skull, and leads me to believe that the skull did in fact belong to an older individual: someone that likely had dentures implanted before their death. And based off of the composition of the skull - which features large ocular cavities and a pronounced lack of a brow line - we can surmise that the skull belonged to an older woman.

Other points that seem to conflict with this video being a hoax, which I haven't seen brought up anywhere, is the fact that the young man at the center of the video ("Anthony") seems to be in-character for close to half-an-hour. I find it hard to believe that this thing could have been put together on a lark, simply because he seems to be improvising the entire thing as best a stammering teenager can, and he appears to fully believe in the things he's saying. If he was acting, then he did a truly tremendous job of it; and it'd be a shame if he hadn't carried on with acting as a career, as he hasn't been identified by anyone in the years since.

I also have some other thoughts about the motivations of someone filming this years ago in the hopes of achieving some kind of fame or popularity, which a lot of people seem to hint at online. I don't really see the validity in that line of thinking, so moving forward, I'm just going to operate under the assumption that the video is not a hoax... but, rather, a legitimate and mysterious piece of found footage.

With all of that being said... I do think it's possible that the young men behind the making of this video were full of hot air and likely weren't the grave-robbing delinquents that they tried to portray themselves as.

Some believe that the makers of "Grave Robbing for Morons" might have been inspired by the 1978 horror film "Faces of Death," which was filmed in a similar mondo style, and featured a similar theme of exploiting death for entertainment. Perhaps they watched "Faces of Death" and decided to do something similar.

Another theory that was proposed to me is that this video was possibly inspired by Ricky Kasso, a teenage killer from New York who nicknamed himself "The Acid King." Just a few years prior, he had killed a teenage friend of his in a drug-fueled craze, and became well-known throughout the area for his love of heavy metal and his interest in the occult, leading to his highly-publicized suicide in a jail cell in 1984. Many credit Kasso for being a focal point of the Satanic Panic era, and you can learn all about that story by checking out the documentary or book titled "The Acid King," both of which were put together by my buddy Jesse Pollack. Anyhow, I digress.

In 1987, a book about Kasso's exploits was released. Titled "Say You Love Satan," the book details Kasso's crimes and the allegations that he was involved in the occult; this included alleged grave-robbing, which Kasso supposedly took part in. The book in particular claims that Kasso told his friends about selling human bones at "a store in Greenwich Village that pays five hundred bucks for a skull."

Sound familiar? That's almost exactly what "Anthony" describes in the video, and - paired with his rest of his terrible-sounding advice - makes it seem like he made up a large part of the video, having likely read about grave-robbing in the Ricky Kasso book "Say You Love Satan" (which, coincidentally, was published the same year that "Evil Dead 2" was released on VHS).

So it's very possible that the kids in the video were likely making up everything, taking large chunks of it from the media they consumed at the time, but that doesn't eliminate the acquirement of the human skull itself. I've already touched upon how lifelike the skull looks, and I find it hard to believe that these kids would have been able to recreate something so lifelike on their own. So they likely acquired a real human skull through some kind of means, which (to me, at least) indicates that they were exactly what they portrayed themselves as in the video: amateur grave-robbers.

In the years since "Grave Robbing for Morons" was released online, theorists have tried to figure out the identities of the people involved. Namely, of the young man at the center of the video, who seemingly identifies himself as "Anthony." It even seems like this young man begins to give away his own last name (which begins with "Cas-"), but cuts himself off, not wanting to incriminate himself any further than he already has.

This has become one of the major clues in the story, as online theorists throughout the years have used this name in their searches; looking for anyone with the name "Anthony" who might have been involved with "grave robbing." Because of his accent, it's assumed that he lived in the New York area, and that also fits in with many of the searches.

Because of all of this information, a lot of attention has been drawn online to an individual named Anthony Casamassima, a man from Queens who found himself featured in a New York Times article in September of 1999 by Patricia Leigh Brown titled "A Passion for Graveyard Art That Took a Criminal Turn; Tiffany Glass and Other Tales From the Crypt." This article detailed the then-40-year-old Casmassima's illicit career as a grave-robber, who had been stealing from tombs and mausoleums throughout the New York area for roughly 15 years (dating back to 1982, when he would have been in his early 20's). However, unlike our Anthony (from "Grave Robbing for Morons"), this Anthony stole things like artwork, sculptures, and Tiffany glass windows; stuff that he could refurbish and repurpose to preserve and/or sell.

The New York Times article details how Casamassima was being brought in to testify against one of his clients, who had purchased and then re-sold a 9-foot-tall Tiffany window, which he knew Casamassima had stolen from a graveyard. Both were later convicted on grave-robbing crimes.

While some online theorists continue to believe that Anthony Casamassima might be our Anthony from "Grave Robbing for Morons," I consider it very unlikely. Namely, because of the age discrepancy. "Grave Robbing for Morons" was filmed sometime after 1987, which we can surmise from the "Evil Dead 2" VHS cover seen on a table nearby. If we compare that to Anthony Casamassima, the noted New York grave-robber, then we come to an issue: in 1987, Casamassima would have been around thirty years old, which is significantly older than the Anthony from "Grave Robbing for Morons," who is no older than 21 or 22. Besides, Anthony Casamassima was never arrested or charged with crimes relating to pilfering body parts. He was only ever accused of stealing artistic works from tombs and mausoleums, not wanting the artwork to fall into disrepair or be vandalized. The pieces just don't fit together.

Other theorists have speculated that the young man from "Grave Robbing for Morons" might have simply been trying to give a shout-out to someone else named "Anthony," but begins to stutter or stammer when he gets to the last name.

It's possible that "Anthony" from the video was loosely connected to Anthony Casamassima, having been sent out to collect trinkets or pieces of art from graveyards and bring them in for a small commission. That, I believe, could be possible, but there's no evidence to support it, making it little more than a baseless theory.

Another name that has been tied to this video in the public sphere is a man named Christopher Bouchie, who is an independent filmmaker that started making films in the mid-2010's; namely, low budget horror movies that he distributes through his company, "King of the Witches," which also sells independent horror movies and mondo documentaries reminiscent of "Ensuring Your Place In Hell."

As far as I can tell, Christopher Bouchie's involvement came out due to just two factors. First, he sold and distributed a version of "Grave Robbing for Morons." Second, his last name - Bouchie - happens to be spelled very similarly to one of the names uttered in "Grave Robbing for Morons" ("Pucci"). Other than that, there is very little connected Bouchie to the bizarre video.

In 2017, the website for the podcast Sword & Scale published an article about this story, which alluded to Christopher Bouchie being the "Pucci" from the video. In their article, they claimed that they had reached out to Bouchie for comment, but he refused to respond. However, Bouchie did respond to their questions, and claims that he told them (more than once) that he had nothing to do with "Grave Robbing for Morons." That information never made it into the article, and it ends by ambiguously asserting that Bouchie produced and sold "Grave Robbing for Morons" as a publicity stunt for his own company.

Through some very simple researching, I have been able to successfully eliminate Christopher Bouchie as having played a part in this video; based not only on his age and the pronunciation of his last name but the fact that most information about Bouchie has come from this single source, the Sword & Scale website, which was anything but truthful in their portrayal of him.

For starters, Christopher Bouchie is far too young to have been the "Pucci" from the video. He is just a few years older than I am, somewhere in his early 30's, and didn't start producing films until the mid-2010s. The video "Grave Robbing for Morons" has been around for much longer than that.

Additionally, his name is Christopher Bouchie (pronounced: Boo-shay). Not "Pucci" or "Bucci."

Because of these details, we can safely eliminate Christopher Bouchie as having played a part in the creation of this video, but because of that one Sword & Scale article, he continues to receive regular questions from websleuths and other interested parties. Since then, he has declined to comment, and I can't blame him for that. He had nothing to do with the creation of "Grave Robbing for Morons," and his only connection to it is having a name that people continuously mispronounce, and having the same kind fascination with weird and bizarre found footage as I do.

Unfortunately, that one article continues to make the rounds whenever this story pops up on a Reddit or Websleuths forum, and this debunked theory continues to pop up again and again.

In my research for this episode, I tried digging through news archives for stories related to grave-robbing in the New York area and surprisingly found quite a few. But only a few checked off the specific boxes that I was looking for; one of which took place in the mid-1990s, and another from the early 2000s.

In 1995, a man in his mid-20's was arrested in Oswego, New York, having been charged with a single felony count of body stealing. Police had shown up at Craig Bradley's home for another reason, and discovered two human skulls inside of his home, which he had stolen from St. paul's Roman Catholic Cemetery that August. He had been aided in his theft by a young woman and a teenage boy, whose names were rightfully withheld from the public - who both testified against him - and he was eventually sentenced to 1.5 to 3 years in prison.

Craig Bradley was released in July of 1998, and ordered to pay back approximately $6500 in restitution. He would make headlines again more than a decade later (2011) for failing to pay back the damage done to the crypt and was arrested yet again. Some believe that Bradley might have been one of the kids involved in "Grave Robbing for Morons," since the age seems to fit, but the mugshots of him look nothing like "Anthony," so it's impossible to tell.

Then, in a separate incident from 2003, three teenagers were arrested for grave-robbing. They had banded together and stole the body of an actor that died in 1938, along with two additional skulls, which they took with them to a party nearby, and used in a bizarre, drunken seance. The three teenagers - 17-year-old Michael Sossi, 18-year-old Michael Herz, and 19-year-old Patrick O'Rourke - were supposedly obsessed with gothic culture, and were later charged with body stealing, but little can be found about these three outside of a few articles published in 2003. It's hard to tell whether they might have been the teens involved in "Grave Robbing for Morons," but given the year - roughly one decade after the video was supposedly filmed - I do not believe that they are linked.

Another theory that has cropped up over the years stems from a comment made on Youtube, which reads as follows:

"The Guy with the Grave Robberies is from Red Hook, goes by the name of Screws. He's been dead damn near twenty years now. He used to sell bones to some of Hougnans over in Sheepshead Bay. I'm surprised that no one knew that, common knowledge by me.

"It's common knowledge around me, I'm from Ozone Park, originally. It was the local Scuttlebutt back in the early 90s when I was a teenager. He ran a chop shop, too, Back in the day. Bootleg movies, knock off clothes, you name it. That's how he got the nickname screws, he used to screw everyone over. From what I heard, they found him over in White Stone in a dumpster by the bridge with his knees parallel with his ears, he'd been bent backwards in the wrong direction, his head was resting against his ass..."

Unfortunately, the person behind that comment did not respond to any questions or comments, and searches of news reports in the New York area have failed to locate any matching records. In my searching, I have been unable to find anyone operating under the nickname of "Screws" (at least, not in Red Hook or Whitestone), and I can find no record of someone having died in such a vicious and violent way (which would have undoubtedly made the news).

That being said, I have heard other unconfirmed reports that the young man from the video (who we identified as "Anthony" and this commenter described as "Screws") was a young man from New York, who died several years ago. In those rumors, this young man passed away from either suicide or a drug overdose, but him dying at a young age would explain why nobody has recognized him in the years that this video clip has been shared online.

Before we begin to wrap up this episode, I want to bring your attention back to the end of "Grave Robbing for Morons." Remember when "Anthony" claims to be planning a continuation of his burgeoning career; not only with a follow-up video but a stunt that will assuredly grab headlines?

Harry Houdini, the famed magician that died in 1926, was buried alongside his family in New York City, at a cemetery in Glendale, Queens. For decades, his grave sat uninterrupted, but starting in the 1970s, it became a hotbed for petty vandalism.

In 1975, nearly 50 years after his death, Houdini's statuary bust was destroyed by vandals, who smashed it with what looked like a sledgehammer for an unknown reason. In 1983, a replacement bust was stolen and only reappeared years later, in 2002, when it was discovered in the home of 43-year-old Stephen Chotowicky of New Hyde Park, in the most bizarre of circumstances: Chotowicky had accused his son of stealing tools, but a search of the property revealed the bust of Houdini, which Chotowicky had hidden in his closet for close to two decades. That explained the where and who, but not the why.

That was just the beginning, though.

Throughout the 1990s, Houdini's grave was repeatedly vandalized by mysterious vandals, who reportedly broke items around his gravesite and dealt unknown damage over several years. In 1993, vandals destroyed two granite benches next to his grave, and a New York Times article published in 1996 reported that the grave markers for his siblings were stolen on a later date. It has even been alleged that Houdini's grave might have been desecrated in some way, with rumors circulating that people interested in magic and the occult had wanted to check Houdini's bronze coffin for signs of a final escape attempt. However, attempts to exhume his grave in the years since have gone nowhere, and these rumors remain just that: rumors.

Harry Houdini's grave was left in a state of disrepair until 2014 when a group got together to renovate his gravesite and restore it into working order. Ever since then, his resting site has been maintained beautifully and kept from further vandalism, but questions continue to linger over who might have tried to damage it in the first place... and why.

Some believe that the young men from "Grave Robbing for Morons" might have made good on their promise to rob Houdini's grave, and might have been the individuals that did damage to it in the early 1990s. That would fit in with the established timeline (late 1980s and early 1990s), and would also fit in with the theory that these young men lived in or around the New York area. We can assume, based on the threat to disturb Houdini's grave, that they lived in or around Queens at the time, and were not only aware of its importance to fans of the occult in the area, but lived close in proximity to it.

Over the years, many people have tried to figure out the origins of "Grave Robbing for Morons," but where, exactly, it came from - as well as when - remains unknown to this day.

My friend Jesse Pollack, who hosts Podcast 1289, as well as its sister show, True Crime Movie Club, is also an established author and director. In addition to researching the murder of Jeannette DePalma from his home state of New Jersey (which he documents in his book and podcast, "The Devil's Teeth") and the saga of Ricky Kasso (who he profiles in his book and documentary, "The Acid King"), he has researched this story on his own over the years. He was able to track down the first mention of the video's title ("Grave Robbing for Morons") to a bootleg video site in the late 2000s and contacted the seller directly. Through them, he was able to discover that the video was obtained from a bootlegger at a horror convention a few years prior, who traded this video in a collection of other material. This seller was rather vague about where and how they had obtained it, but this dates it back to at least 14-15 years ago; implying that this video was shot several years prior, and was not made with the intent of going viral. It was probably filmed decades ago and intended to only be shared with a small audience, which confirms what I've documented throughout this episode.

Despite that, it remains possible that the video was just made for fun by a bunch of kids, whose identities have managed to remain closely-guarded in the decades since. We only ever get a good look at the young man at the center of the video - who seemingly identifies himself as "Anthony" - and no one has ID'd him, despite the video of him being watched online hundreds of thousands of times. The other named individuals - Gino/Geno, Taco, and Pucci - remain even more enigmatic.

I wish I had more answers for you regarding this bizarre piece of found footage, but until we learn more, the story of "Grave Robbing for Morons" will remain unresolved.


Episode Information

Episode Information

Writing, research, hosting, and production by Micheal Whelan

Special thanks to author, director, and podcaster Jesse Pollack (Podcast 1289, True Crime Movie Club) for his help in researching this episode

Published on on February 9th, 2020

Producers: Maggyjames, Ben Krokum, Roberta Janson, Quil Carter, Peggy Belarde, Laura Hannan, Katherine Vatalaro, Damion Moore, Astrid Kneier, Amy Hampton, Emily McMehen, Scott Meesey, Steven Wilson, Scott Patzold, Marie Vanglund, Lori Rodriguez, Jessica Yount, Aimee McGregor, Danny Williams, Sue Kirk, Sara Moscaritolo, Thomas Ahearn, Victoria Reid, Marion Welsh, Seth Morgan, Alyssa Lawton, Kelly Jo Hapgood, Patrick Ari Ekeheien Laakso, Sydney Scotton, Meadow Landry, and Rebecca Miller

Music Credits

Original music created by myself through Amper Music

Other music created and composed by Ailsa Traves

Sources and further reading

Podcast 1289 - “Experiment 031 - Porky Ramone: Grave Robbing For Morons”

Week In Weird - “Grave Robbing For Morons: Can You Solve the Mystery Behind the World’s Creepiest Instructional Video?”

The 13th Floor - ““GRAVE ROBBING FOR MORONS: Is This Creepy VHS Footage for Real?”

Ranker - “Does The Notorious ‘Grave Robbing For Morons’ VHS Footage Feature Actual Advice From A Ghoul?”

Medium - “The Horrifying World of VHS Collectors”

The New York Times - “A Passion for Graveyard Art That Took a Criminal Turn; Tiffany Glass and Other Tales From the Crypt”

The New York Times - “Theft of Bodies Leads to Arrest of 3 Teenagers”

NewScientist - “Hundreds of mystery human skulls sold on eBay for up to $5500”

BBC News - “NY teenagers ‘robbed grave’”

New York Post - “Skeleton Crew Held Seance To Exorcise Ghosts”

Syracuse - “Oswego grave robber arrested for failing to pay for 1995 damage”

Syracuse - “Tales from an Oswego crypt break-in, retold 15 years later”

Wild About Harry - “1996: Houdini’s grave plot thickens”

New York Times - “Stolen Houdini bust recovered”

QNS - “Houdini statue reappears in New Hyde Park home”

CBS News - “Magicians stage effort to restore Houdini’s grave”

Reddit - “Who is behind the 90s home video ‘Grave Robbing for Morons’ and is it real?”

Reddit - “Grave Robbing for Morons”

Reddit - “Have any of the grave robbers been identified yet? What’s with the nervous-sounding dude?”

Reddit - “Grave Robbing for Morons - any further information about this video?”

Reddit - “The still unsolved mystery of Grave Robbing for Morons.”